Welcome to my Blog on Crypto, NFTs and my own experiences on different services & sites!

        Welcome! It's a finnish 28yr "young" guy from a small town of around 50k from southern Finland.

1. Introduction & purpose

1st things 1st. I will be making a couple tutorials here, to make for example airdrop-claiming more simple, help people manage metamask (ie. adding custom tokens + how to add different networks also). I will be explaining mainly to spread the information to be available to everyone, for which I have had to spend hours and hours to learn and get to know, sometimes by doing mistakes. 

This is especially aimed at making sure people wont do the same mistakes that I've done, bcuz they can end up costing you everything you have in your wallet.
Also, I'm planning on a finnish version of the same content, in near future! But to the topic at hand!



1st things you need to know and remember at all times:


Never-EVER-EVER share your "recovery phrase" (the 12/24 words that make it possible for anyone literally to gain access to that wallet.) 

Sharing your crypto-wallets address is 100% risk-free, the worst that can happen, someone will send some "scamcoins" to your address. You dont have to do anything with them, if you see something in your wallet that you didn't expect to see, google it. Or www.bscscan.com (for BSC) and www.etherscan.com (for ERC)

Not a single company will EVER ask for it. IF you get a mail that looks that some company sent it and they're asking it, go to google, search their customer service email/phone number and contact THAT. 

ALSO, NEVER log in from ANY links sent to you, unless you were expecting it (for example verifying email after registration.) Just to be sure, there's a lot of scamming going on in the crypto-sphere, but dont let this deter you from getting into it, just ask someone experienced when in doubt, most long-time crypto users are willing to help out anyone who's taking his/her 1st steps in the crypto-world and they want to support them also. But remember to be polite, it goes a long way! :)

I will type a more in-depth introduction into wallet-security and blockchains and custom tokens etc. all in time. Next time I'll explain Metamask, adding tokens there and different blockchains also.



        Beginnerfriendly & automated way to earn crypto:

 But if this is your 1st time reading on crypto, I'll give you something free to start with:


Every hour you get free btc (as satoshis), but I bet you wont be 24/7 365/yr on your computer, that's why it's easier just to download "TamperMonkey":

    For Chrome:

    For Firefox:


And get the script that will roll the btc for you by itself :) BTW!!! Never leave the tampermonkey on if you know you wont get back to the computer before your bonuses run out, because it will drain your Reward Points (which you buy bonuses with!) pretty quickly.

Wanna earn while playing games online?

That's it for today! Stay tuned!

Anyways... Here are my socials;
Discord channel:  https://discord.gg/46YrjShR
Twitter: @levelius420 + @
Telegram: @levelii or
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgYAEJCWaDZHX42cc8INq3Q


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