Earning 1-5$ per day on Twitter via TonicPow & Handcashapp! (beginner friendly)
Hi! This txt's aim is to prepare anyone who's reading this to start earning right away some $BSV to their Handcashapp ! 1. Register to Twitter (if you havent already, also join CTBot in order to incentivize people to retweet your tweet with the $$$-link!) 2. Register to CTBot & Tonicpow ( CTBot tutorial will be coming shortly) CTBot.io - Join crypto tipping on Twitter! TonicPow-Register After having done both, send @levelius420 a Private Message in Twitter and I will give you some crypto for your CTBot (Tell me in that msg how you found this Blog/Tutorial?) 3. Make an airdrop with TonicPow-link in it: A) Copy a link from TonicPow (Take into account balance and payout!) B) Go to CTBot.io/Create-Activity -> fill in the info needed -> Tweet! C) Incentivize people who RT to click the link. (For example type "Click the link below and drop your @handcashapp $handle below afterwards!) and then send them 1 Duro/0.01$ per click! 4. After Tweeting, wait around 6-...