
Showing posts from October, 2021

Earning 1-5$ per day on Twitter via TonicPow & Handcashapp! (beginner friendly)

 Hi! This txt's aim is to prepare anyone who's reading this to start earning right away some $BSV to their Handcashapp ! 1. Register to Twitter (if you havent already, also join CTBot in order to incentivize people to retweet your tweet with the $$$-link!) 2. Register to CTBot & Tonicpow ( CTBot tutorial will be coming shortly) - Join crypto tipping on Twitter! TonicPow-Register After having done both, send @levelius420 a Private Message in Twitter and I will give you some crypto for your CTBot (Tell me in that msg how you found this Blog/Tutorial?) 3. Make an airdrop with TonicPow-link in it: A) Copy a link from TonicPow (Take into account balance and payout!) B) Go to -> fill in the info needed -> Tweet! C) Incentivize people who RT to click the link. (For example type "Click the link below and drop your @handcashapp $handle below afterwards!) and then send them 1 Duro/0.01$ per click!  4. After Tweeting, wait around 6-...

Airdrops and how to get them!

  BC and BSC (Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain) You can search with your address from these sites to see if they have any tokens that you didnt know about. Also, from here you can find the "contract"-which you need to be able to add custom tokens not normally found on the token list (in for example Trust Wallet or Metamask) From the bottom-left corner you can add BSC Mainnet to your Metamask-addon. Same thing with PolygonScan. This is the same buy for Ethereum-blockchain:  And this is the one for Polygon (Matic) blockchain: Examples of airdrops, you can go to any of these sites within Trust wallet's "dApps"-tab. When it prompts up a question "Do you want to connect to this site" and for example in Trust wallet, when you find the "Connect Wallet" button on the site, or sometimes by itself, it asks to connect and press "connect". That doesnt cost anyth...

Welcome to my Blog on Crypto, NFTs and my own experiences on different services & sites!

          Welcome! It's a finnish 28yr "young" guy from a small town of around 50k from southern Finland. 1. Introduction & purpose 1st things 1st. I will be making a couple tutorials here, to make for example airdrop-claiming more simple, help people manage metamask (ie. adding custom tokens + how to add different networks also). I will be explaining mainly to spread the information to be available to everyone, for which I have had to spend hours and hours to learn and get to know, sometimes by doing mistakes.  This is especially aimed at making sure people wont do the same mistakes that I've done, bcuz they can end up costing you everything you have in your wallet. Also, I'm planning on a finnish version of the same content, in near future! But to the topic at hand!   UNDERSTANDING CRYPTO Essentials! 1st things you need to know and remember at all times: 1. DO NOT SHARE YOUR RECOVERY PHRASE/MNEMONIC KEY/PRIVATE KEY Never-EVER-EVER share y...